Sunday, November 9, 2008

You can't count on anything...

I have been going through some serious crap here lately. Which is why i haven't written a blog in a long time. My sister erica came to visit for my sister hilliarys wedding. That was fun but i didnt have much time to write then. My sister hilliary is now borrowing my laptop so i barely ever have time on it now. I can only have it for certain periods of time when she doesnt need it for homework. I also lost my "best friend" this past month.

My alleged best friend did not die, that would be too easy. He chose to be a complete jerk to me for the past 3 almost 4 years and I decided that we should no longer be friends. So now he is trying to make my life a living hell. He has been making comments about my past best friend that are completely inappropriate and hurtful. He also has been calling me terrible names lately as well. I dont know what i did to him but he is making threats on my life now.

I suppose some people never grow up.

Jacob and I are having a few issues here lately. We are having communication problems as well as clingy-ness issues. I don't know how many times i have to ask for space before I get it but let me tell you it takes quite a while. Dont get me wrong I am totally grateful to have him in my life and im so blessed that he is nothing like Vance but I just wish he'd respect my space a little more. I love him with all of my heart but I need my time too. Its been super rough lately because for some reason I feel that he is being dishonest with me about some things. I cant quite put my finger on what or why he is lying to me but its bothering me. I can tell when someone is being dishonest so Im having a hard time with figuring this one out. I just wish he wouldnt lie to me at all.

Anywho...thats basically all i have to say for right sister needs my computer now. Ill write more when i can.


1 comment:

~Erica~ said...

Oh Britt, I am so sorry that you are going through so much. I hate that Vance is doing so much mean shit to you and I am not sure about all of this lying stuff but remember that only those that are honest and true to you are worth having in your life!