Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh for the love of Pizza and Pantyliners....

So i'm the grouchiest girl alive today...Its the last day that Aunt Flow is here..if you catch my drift...I always get irritable during this day...not sure why but i do. Its my down fall i guess you could say. Most days of Aunt Flows visit i want chocolate, but not today..oh nooooo.. Pizza is my drug of choice..nothing but pizza and when i dont have any pizza...im a big giant grouch..My boyfriend is hating his life today.

I hate that girls have to go through close to a week of this crap and get flack from the guys for it..They say "oh its just your horomones honey"...ill show you horomones...back off my chocolate bub...this aint the day to mess with me...When im in a bad mood even if its not that time of the month they ask...are you on your period? like thats the only reason i could ever be in a bad mood..it kinda makes me wonder if I could get a lighter sentence for choking my boyfriend if it was for PMS..hmmm lol:]

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